Featured Showcase

Berkys Early Development is a perfect place for your child to explore who they are and discover what they are capable of.
Our program provides an enriched learning environment that is designed to help stimulate each child’s natural desire to learn. Our progressive and successful curriculum is structured in a unique way to teach children countless lessons all throughout the school year and summer program. We teach your little one how big this world is, how great their mind is, and how impactful their lives can be. Our loving community promotes a space where every single individual, no matter what age receives the acknowledgment, love, and respect that they deserve. Our students transition from our programs fully prepared for kindergarten and beyond. Allow us to be a significant part of your child’s foundational learning experience during the early stages of their lives.

Our Philosophy
Have you ever wondered what life would have been like if you had fully understood and embraced who you were early on?
Our goal and soul purpose at Berkys Early Development is to help your child discover who they are while embracing the beauty and grace of their uniqueness. Throughout their time with us they will discover the world around them and the wonder within themselves. They will develop life-long friendships that will evolve and flourish throughout time as part of the beauty of this life. Your child will begin to encounter their interests, passions, and embrace a world of learning and growing. They will also face some of their challenges. Not to worry, we will be here to guide them each step of the way by teaching them some encouraging techniques that will get them through their challenges now and thereafter.
At Berkys Early Development, we believe that if we encourage teamwork, we are in fact developing the greatest leaders of the future. By encouraging our students to work together and solve a math problem during Circle Time or build a Barn in groups of four at our Blocks Center – we are in fact teaching them that if they can work well with others, they can solve or create anything. This lesson will be essential in the future when they are being called to lead, solve, and create solutions. Our lessons and activities are also created to challenge them and to overcome any hurdles that are usually more mental than anything else. Once they overcome these challenges, they will walk away from the lesson feeling more secure and confident in their individual abilities.
We believe that if we pour our love, respect, and positive energy into every single child that we have the privilege to work with, they will be a part of a positive changing world that is growing and evolving right before our eyes. They will learn that love is the ultimate truth and respect belongs to everyone. They will feel noticed and celebrated, and that is how they will feel free to grow into the wonderful individuals that they are meant to be.